

Option Explicit

Public Antibiograms As Collection
Public Casuals As Collection
Public Cultures As Collection
Public Resistances As Collection

Public Sub Populate_collections()

    Set Antibiograms = New Collection
    Set Casuals = New Collection
    Set Cultures = New Collection
    Set Resistances = New Collection

    Dim a As Antibiogram
    Dim ca As Casual
    Dim cu As Culture
    Dim r As Resistance

    Dim i As Long
    Dim sTelomer As String
    Dim nTelomer As Double

    sTelomer = "CCCDDD"
    nTelomer = -123456

    i = 0
    Do While Cells(i + 1, 1).Value <> sTelomer
        i = i + 1
        Set ca = New Casual
        Casuals.Add ca
        Call Casuals.Item(Casuals.Count).Set_up(i, i)


    i = 1
    Do While Cells(i + 1, 1).Value <> nTelomer
        i = i + 1
        Set a = New Antibiogram
        Antibiograms.Add a
        Call Antibiograms.Item(Antibiograms.Count).Set_up(i - 1, i)


    i = 1
    Do While Cells(i + 1, 1).Value <> nTelomer
        i = i + 1
        Set cu = New Culture
        Cultures.Add cu
        Call Cultures.Item(Cultures.Count).Set_up(i - 1, i)


    i = 1
    Do While Cells(i + 1, 1).Value <> sTelomer
        i = i + 1
        Set r = New Resistance
        Resistances.Add r
        Call Resistances.Item(Resistances.Count).Set_up(i - 1, i)

    Call Display_collections

End Sub

Public Sub Display_collections()

    Dim i As Long


    For i = 1 To Casuals.Count
        Call Casuals.Item(i).Display(i)
    Next i

    For i = 1 To Antibiograms.Count
        Call Antibiograms.Item(i).Display(i)
    Next i


    For i = 1 To Cultures.Count
        Call Cultures.Item(i).Display(i)
    Next i


    For i = 1 To Resistances.Count
        Call Resistances.Item(i).Display(i)
    Next i

End Sub



Public ID As Double
Public OwnID As Double
Public Bacterium_description As String
Public Bacterium_abbrevation As String
Public SIR_description As String
Public SIR_abbrevation As String
Public Reagents_abbrevation As String
Public Reagent1_description As String
Public Reagent2_description As String
Public Metric As Double
Public Unit As String
Public Standard_CLSI As Boolean
Public Standard_DIN As Boolean
Public Standard_BSAC As Boolean
Public Standard_EUCAST As Boolean
Public Standard_SFM As Boolean
Public Add1 As String
Public Add2 As String
Public Add3 As String
Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    Me.ID = 0
    Me.OwnID = 0
    Me.Bacterium_description = "*"
    Me.Bacterium_abbrevation = "*"
    Me.SIR_description = "*"
    Me.SIR_abbrevation = "*"
    Me.Reagents_abbrevation = "*"
    Me.Reagent1_description = "*"
    Me.Reagent2_description = "*"
    Me.Metric = 0
    Me.Unit = "*"
    Me.Standard_CLSI = False
    Me.Standard_DIN = False
    Me.Standard_BSAC = False
    Me.Standard_EUCAST = False
    Me.Standard_SFM = False
    Me.Add1 = "*"
    Me.Add2 = "*"
    Me.Add3 = "*"

End Sub

Public Sub Set_up(ByVal nID As Double, ByVal nRow As Double)

    Me.ID = nID
    Me.OwnID = Cells(nRow, 1).Value
    Me.Bacterium_description = Cells(nRow, 2).Value
    Me.Bacterium_abbrevation = Cells(nRow, 3).Value
    Me.SIR_description = Cells(nRow, 4).Value
    Me.SIR_abbrevation = Cells(nRow, 5).Value
    Me.Reagents_abbrevation = Cells(nRow, 6).Value
    Me.Reagent1_description = Cells(nRow, 7).Value
    Me.Reagent2_description = Cells(nRow, 8).Value
    Me.Metric = Cells(nRow, 9).Value
    Me.Unit = Cells(nRow, 10).Value
    Me.Standard_CLSI = Cells(nRow, 11).Value
    Me.Standard_DIN = Cells(nRow, 12).Value
    Me.Standard_BSAC = Cells(nRow, 13).Value
    Me.Standard_EUCAST = Cells(nRow, 14).Value
    Me.Standard_SFM = Cells(nRow, 15).Value
    Me.Add1 = Me.Set_casual()
    Me.Add2 = Left(Me.Bacterium_description, 5)

End Sub

Public Function Set_casual() As String

    Dim i As Long
    Dim sResult As String

    sResult = ""
    For i = 1 To Casuals.Count
        If Me.Reagent1_description = Casuals.Item(i).Real_description Then
            sResult = Casuals.Item(i).Mock_description
        End If
    Next i

    Set_casual = sResult

End Function

Public Sub Display(ByVal nRow As Double)

    Cells(nRow, 1).Value = Me.ID
    Cells(nRow, 2).Value = Me.OwnID
    Cells(nRow, 3).Value = Me.Bacterium_description
    Cells(nRow, 4).Value = Me.Bacterium_abbrevation
    Cells(nRow, 5).Value = Me.SIR_description
    Cells(nRow, 6).Value = Me.SIR_abbrevation
    Cells(nRow, 7).Value = Me.Reagents_abbrevation
    Cells(nRow, 8).Value = Me.Reagent1_description
    Cells(nRow, 9).Value = Me.Reagent2_description
    Cells(nRow, 10).Value = Me.Metric
    Cells(nRow, 11).Value = Me.Unit
    Cells(nRow, 12).Value = Me.Standard_CLSI
    Cells(nRow, 13).Value = Me.Standard_DIN
    Cells(nRow, 14).Value = Me.Standard_BSAC
    Cells(nRow, 15).Value = Me.Standard_EUCAST
    Cells(nRow, 16).Value = Me.Standard_SFM
    Cells(nRow, 17).Value = Me.Add1
    Cells(nRow, 18).Value = Me.Add2
    Cells(nRow, 19).Value = Me.Add3

End Sub



Public ID As Double
Public Mock_description As String
Public Real_description As String
Public Add1 As String
Public Add2 As String
Public Add3 As String
Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    Me.ID = 0
    Me.Mock_description = "*"
    Me.Real_description = "*"
    Me.Add1 = "*"
    Me.Add2 = "*"
    Me.Add3 = "*"

End Sub

Public Sub Set_up(ByVal nID As Double, ByVal nRow As Double)

    Me.ID = nID
    Me.Mock_description = Cells(nRow, 1).Value
    Me.Real_description = Cells(nRow, 2).Value

End Sub

Public Sub Display(ByVal nRow As Double)

    Cells(nRow, 1) = Me.ID
    Cells(nRow, 2).Value = Me.Mock_description
    Cells(nRow, 3).Value = Me.Real_description
    Cells(nRow, 4).Value = Me.Add1
    Cells(nRow, 5).Value = Me.Add2
    Cells(nRow, 6).Value = Me.Add3

End Sub



Public ID As Double
Public OwnID As Double
Public Internal_code As String
Public LID As String
Public Culture_class As String
Public Participant As String
Public Secured_date As Date
Public Answered_date As Date
Public Catheter_urine As Boolean
Public Positive As Boolean
Public Molecular As String
Public Add1 As String
Public Add2 As String
Public Add3 As String
Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    Me.ID = 0
    Me.OwnID = 0
    Me.Internal_code = "*"
    Me.LID = "*"
    Me.Culture_class = "*"
    Me.Participant = "*"
    Me.Secured_date = #1/1/1970#
    Me.Answered_date = #1/1/1970#
    Me.Catheter_urine = False
    Me.Positive = False
    Me.Molecular = "*"
    Me.Add1 = "*"
    Me.Add2 = "*"
    Me.Add3 = "*"

End Sub

Public Sub Set_up(ByVal nID As Double, ByVal nRow As Double)

    Me.ID = nID
    Me.OwnID = Cells(nRow, 1).Value
    Me.Internal_code = Cells(nRow, 2).Value
    Me.LID = Cells(nRow, 3).Value
    Me.Culture_class = Cells(nRow, 4).Value
    Me.Participant = Cells(nRow, 5).Value
    Me.Secured_date = Cells(nRow, 6).Value
    Me.Answered_date = Cells(nRow, 7).Value
    Me.Catheter_urine = Cells(nRow, 8).Value
    Me.Positive = Cells(nRow, 9).Value
    Me.Molecular = Cells(nRow, 10).Value
    Me.Add1 = Left(Me.Culture_class, 5)

End Sub

Public Sub Display(ByVal nRow As Double)

    Cells(nRow, 1).Value = Me.ID
    Cells(nRow, 2).Value = Me.OwnID
    Cells(nRow, 3).Value = Me.Internal_code
    Cells(nRow, 4).Value = Me.LID
    Cells(nRow, 5).Value = Me.Culture_class
    Cells(nRow, 6).Value = Me.Participant
    Cells(nRow, 7).Value = Me.Secured_date
    Cells(nRow, 8).Value = Me.Answered_date
    Cells(nRow, 9).Value = Me.Catheter_urine
    Cells(nRow, 10).Value = Me.Positive
    Cells(nRow, 11).Value = Me.Molecular
    Cells(nRow, 12).Value = Me.Add1
    Cells(nRow, 13).Value = Me.Add2
    Cells(nRow, 14).Value = Me.Add3

End Sub



Public ID As Double
Public Sex As String
Public Age As Double
Public Secured_date As Date
Public Bacterium As String
Public LID As String
Public Casual As String
Public SIR As String
Public Add1 As String
Public Add2 As String
Public Add3 As String
Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    Me.ID = 0
    Me.Sex = "*"
    Me.Age = 0
    Me.Secured_date = #1/1/1970#
    Me.Bacterium = "*"
    Me.LID = "*"
    Me.Casual = "*"
    Me.SIR = "*"
    Me.Add1 = "*"
    Me.Add2 = "*"
    Me.Add3 = "*"

End Sub

Public Sub Set_up(ByVal nID As Double, ByVal nRow As Double)

    Me.ID = nID
    Me.Sex = Cells(nRow, 1).Value
    Me.Age = Cells(nRow, 2).Value
    Me.Secured_date = Cells(nRow, 3).Value
    Me.Bacterium = Cells(nRow, 4).Value
    Me.LID = Cells(nRow, 5).Value
    Me.Casual = Cells(nRow, 6).Value
    Me.SIR = Cells(nRow, 7).Value
    Me.Add1 = Left(Me.Bacterium, 5)
    Me.Add2 = Find_culture()
    Me.Add3 = Find_antibiogram()

End Sub

Public Function Find_culture()

    Dim i As Long
    Dim nResult As Double

    nResult = 0
    For i = 1 To Cultures.Count
        If Me.Add1 = Cultures.Item(i).Add1 And Me.LID = Cultures.Item(i).LID Then
            nResult = Cultures.Item(i).ID
        End If
    Next i

    Find_culture = nResult

End Function

Public Function Find_antibiogram()

    Dim i As Long
    Dim nResult As Double

    nResult = 0
    For i = 1 To Antibiograms.Count
        If Me.Add1 = Antibiograms.Item(i).Add2 And Me.Casual = Antibiograms.Item(i).Add1 And Me.SIR = Antibiograms.Item(i).SIR_abbrevation Then
            nResult = Antibiograms.Item(i).OwnID
        End If
    Next i

    Find_antibiogram = nResult

End Function

Public Sub Display(ByVal nRow As Double)

    Cells(nRow, 1).Value = Me.ID
    Cells(nRow, 2).Value = Me.Sex
    Cells(nRow, 3).Value = Me.Age
    Cells(nRow, 4).Value = Me.Secured_date
    Cells(nRow, 5).Value = Me.Bacterium
    Cells(nRow, 6).Value = Me.LID
    Cells(nRow, 7).Value = Me.Casual
    Cells(nRow, 8).Value = Me.SIR
    Cells(nRow, 9).Value = Me.Add1
    Cells(nRow, 10).Value = Me.Add2
    Cells(nRow, 11).Value = Me.Add3

End Sub