"Main" module


Option Explicit

Public Datalists As Collection
Public Metadatas As Collection

Public Sub Main()

    Call ShowBread
    Call PopulateDatalists
    Call PopulateMetadatas
    Call AddPlaceToDatalists
    Call AddStandardToDatalists
    Call AddLastChildToDatalists
    Call DisplayDatalists

End Sub

Private Function AddLastChildToDatalists()
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim hitVector() As Variant
    ReDim hitVector(1 To Metadatas.Item(1).CountDifferent(), 1 To 2)
    For i = 1 To Metadatas.Item(1).CountDifferent()
        For j = 1 To Datalists.Count
            If Datalists.Item(j).Grouping = i Then
                hitVector(i, 1) = j
                hitVector(i, 2) = i
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
    For i = 1 To Metadatas.Item(1).CountDifferent()
        Datalists.Item(hitVector(i, 1)).LastChild = hitVector(i, 2)
    Next i
End Function

Private Function AddStandardToDatalists()
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim temp1 As String
    Dim temp2 As Double
    Dim endMarker As Double
    Dim sortBoolean As Boolean
    Dim sortVector() As Variant
    j = 0
    ReDim sortVector(1 To Metadatas.Item(1).CountNotEmpty(), 1 To 3)
    For i = 1 To Datalists.Count
        If Datalists.Item(i).NotEmpty = True Then
            j = j + 1
            sortVector(j, 1) = Datalists.Item(i).Entry
            sortVector(j, 2) = Datalists.Item(i).Sequence
            sortVector(j, 3) = 0
        End If
    Next i
    endMarker = Metadatas.Item(1).CountNotEmpty() - 1
    sortBoolean = True

    Do While sortBoolean = True
        sortBoolean = False
        For i = 1 To endMarker
            If sortVector(i, 1) > sortVector(i + 1, 1) Then
                temp1 = sortVector(i, 1)
                temp2 = sortVector(i, 2)
                sortVector(i, 1) = sortVector(i + 1, 1)
                sortVector(i, 2) = sortVector(i + 1, 2)
                sortVector(i + 1, 1) = temp1
                sortVector(i + 1, 2) = temp2
                sortBoolean = True
            End If
        Next i
        endMarker = endMarker - 1

    j = 1
    sortVector(1, 3) = j
    For i = 1 To Metadatas.Item(1).CountNotEmpty() - 1
        If sortVector(i, 1) = sortVector(i + 1, 1) Then
            sortVector(i + 1, 3) = j
            j = j + 1
            sortVector(i + 1, 3) = j
        End If
    Next i
    For i = 1 To Metadatas.Item(1).CountNotEmpty()
        Datalists.Item(sortVector(i, 2)).Grouping = sortVector(i, 3)
    Next i

End Function

Private Function AddPlaceToDatalists()
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim temp1 As String
    Dim temp2 As Double
    Dim endMarker As Double
    Dim sortBoolean As Boolean
    Dim sortVector() As Variant
    j = 0
    ReDim sortVector(1 To Metadatas.Item(1).CountNotEmpty(), 1 To 2)
    For i = 1 To Datalists.Count
        If Datalists.Item(i).NotEmpty = True Then
            j = j + 1
            sortVector(j, 1) = Datalists.Item(i).Entry
            sortVector(j, 2) = Datalists.Item(i).Sequence
        End If
    Next i
    endMarker = Metadatas.Item(1).CountNotEmpty() - 1
    sortBoolean = True

    Do While sortBoolean = True
        sortBoolean = False
        For i = 1 To endMarker
            If sortVector(i, 1) > sortVector(i + 1, 1) Then
                temp1 = sortVector(i, 1)
                temp2 = sortVector(i, 2)
                sortVector(i, 1) = sortVector(i + 1, 1)
                sortVector(i, 2) = sortVector(i + 1, 2)
                sortVector(i + 1, 1) = temp1
                sortVector(i + 1, 2) = temp2
                sortBoolean = True
            End If
        Next i
        endMarker = endMarker - 1

    For i = 1 To Metadatas.Item(1).CountNotEmpty()
        Datalists.Item(sortVector(i, 2)).Place = i
    Next i

End Function

Public Function PopulateMetadatas()

    Set Metadatas = New Collection

    Dim m As Metadata
    Set m = New Metadata

    Metadatas.Add m

End Function

Public Function PopulateDatalists()

    Dim i As Long
    Dim d As Datalist
    Set Datalists = New Collection

    i = 0
        i = i + 1
        Set d = New Datalist
        Datalists.Add d
        Datalists.Item(i).Sequence = i
        Datalists.Item(i).Entry = Cells(i, 1).Value
        Datalists.Item(i).Place = 0
        Datalists.Item(i).Grouping = 0
        Datalists.Item(i).LastChild = 0
    Loop While Datalists.Item(i).Entry <> "CCCDDD"
    Datalists.Remove (i)

End Function

Public Function DisplayDatalists()

    Dim i As Long

    For i = 1 To Datalists.Count
        Cells(i, 1).Value = Datalists.Item(i).Sequence
        Cells(i, 2).Value = Datalists.Item(i).Entry
        Cells(i, 3).Value = Datalists.Item(i).NotEmpty
        Cells(i, 4).Value = Datalists.Item(i).Place
        Cells(i, 5).Value = Datalists.Item(i).Grouping
        Cells(i, 6).Value = Datalists.Item(i).LastChild
        Cells(i, 7).Value = Datalists.Item(i).Keeper
    Next i

End Function

Public Function ShowBread()

    Dim i As Long
    Dim vBread(1 To 29) As String
    vBread(1) = ""
    vBread(2) = "nor"
    vBread(3) = ""
    vBread(4) = ""
    vBread(5) = "norflox"
    vBread(6) = ""
    vBread(7) = ""
    vBread(8) = "cip"
    vBread(9) = "cipr"
    vBread(10) = ""
    vBread(11) = ""
    vBread(12) = "cipro"
    vBread(13) = ""
    vBread(14) = ""
    vBread(15) = "ciproflox"
    vBread(16) = ""
    vBread(17) = "cipr"
    vBread(18) = ""
    vBread(19) = "norfloxa"
    vBread(20) = ""
    vBread(21) = "noorflox"
    vBread(22) = "cipro"
    vBread(23) = ""
    vBread(24) = ""
    vBread(25) = "ciproflox"
    vBread(26) = "nor"
    vBread(27) = ""
    vBread(28) = ""
    vBread(29) = "CCCDDD"


    For i = LBound(vBread) To UBound(vBread)
        Cells(i, 1).Value = vBread(i)
    Next i

End Function

"Datalist" class module


Option Explicit

Public Sequence As Double
Public Entry As String
Public NotEmpty As Boolean
Public Place As Double
Public Grouping As Double
Public LastChild As Double
Public Keeper As Boolean

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    Me.Sequence = 0
    Me.Entry = ""
    Me.NotEmpty = False
    Me.Place = 0
    Me.Grouping = 0
    Me.LastChild = 0
    Me.Keeper = False

End Sub

Public Sub IsNotEmpty()

    If Me.Entry <> "" Then
        Me.NotEmpty = True
    End If

End Sub

"Metadata" class module


Option Explicit

Public Function CountNotEmpty()

    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Double

    j = 0

    For i = 1 To Datalists.Count
        If Datalists.Item(i).NotEmpty = True Then
            j = j + 1
        End If
    Next i
    CountNotEmpty = j
End Function

Public Function CountDifferent()

    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Double

    j = 0

    For i = 1 To Datalists.Count
        If Datalists.Item(i).Grouping > j Then
            j = Datalists.Item(i).Grouping
        End If
    Next i
    CountDifferent = j
End Function

"Blad3" workbook code-behind


Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

    Call DoThings(ActiveCell.Row, ActiveCell.Column)

End Sub

"Main Graphics" module


Option Explicit

Public Datasheets As Collection
Public Datacells As Collection

Public Sub Main()

    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long

    Set Datasheets = New Collection
    Set Datacells = New Collection
    Dim ds As Datasheet
    Set ds = New Datasheet
    Datasheets.Add ds
    Call Datasheets.Item(1).Clear_GUI
    Call Datasheets.Item(1).Create_Datacells
    Call Datasheets.Item(1).Upgrade_Datacells
End Sub

Public Sub DoThings(ByVal value1 As Double, ByVal value2 As Double)

    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim hit As Boolean
    Dim index As Double
    Dim indexRowMin As Double
    Dim indexRowMax As Double
    index = Datasheets.Item(1).Find_Cell_Index(value1, value2)
    If index > 0 Then
        If Datacells.Item(index).ColorName = Datasheets.Item(1).GrayColorName Then
            indexRowMin = Datasheets.Item(1).Find_Lowest_Index_On_This_Row(value1)
            indexRowMax = Datasheets.Item(1).Find_Highest_Index_On_This_Row(value1)

            For i = indexRowMin To indexRowMax
            Next i

            Call Datacells.Item(index).Set_No
        ElseIf Datacells.Item(index).ColorName = Datasheets.Item(1).NoColorName Then
            indexRowMin = Datasheets.Item(1).Find_Lowest_Index_On_This_Row(value1)
            indexRowMax = Datasheets.Item(1).Find_Highest_Index_On_This_Row(value1)

            For i = indexRowMin To indexRowMax
            Next i
        End If
    End If

    For i = 1 To Datacells.Count
        If Datacells.Item(i).Purpose = Datasheets.Item(1).PurposeHeader Then
        End If
    Next i

    For i = 1 To Datacells.Count
        If Datacells.Item(i).ColorName = Datasheets.Item(1).NoColorName Then
            For j = 1 To Datacells.Count
                If Datacells.Item(j).Purpose = Datasheets.Item(1).PurposeHeader Then
                    If Datacells.Item(j).SheetRow = Datacells.Item(i).SheetRow Or Datacells.Item(j).SheetCol = Datacells.Item(i).SheetCol Then
                    End If
                End If
            Next j
        End If
    Next i
    hit = False
    For i = 1 To Datacells.Count
        If Datacells.Item(i).ColorName = Datasheets.Item(1).RedColorName Then
            hit = True
        End If
        If hit = False Then
            Datacells.Item(1).Content = Datasheets.Item(1).MatchContent
            Datacells.Item(1).Content = ""
        End If
    Next i

    Call Datasheets.Item(1).Upgrade_Datacells
End Sub

"Datacell" class module


Option Explicit

Public IsBold As Boolean
Public ColorCode As Double
Public ColorName As String
Public Content As String
Public Purpose As String
Public SheetRow As Double
Public SheetCol As Double
Public VectorRow As Double
Public VectorCol As Double

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    Me.IsBold = False
    Me.ColorCode = Datasheets.Item(1).GrayColorCode
    Me.ColorName = Datasheets.Item(1).GrayColorName
    Me.Content = Datasheets.Item(1).DefaultContent
    Me.Purpose = Datasheets.Item(1).PurposeGeneral
    Me.SheetRow = 0
    Me.SheetCol = 0
    Me.VectorRow = 0
    Me.VectorCol = 0
End Sub

Public Sub Upgrade_Screen()

    Cells(Me.SheetRow, Me.SheetCol).Value = Me.Content
    Cells(Me.SheetRow, Me.SheetCol).Font.Color = Me.ColorCode
    Cells(Me.SheetRow, Me.SheetCol).Font.Bold = Me.IsBold
End Sub

Public Sub Set_Location(ByVal value1 As Double, ByVal value2 As Double)

    Me.SheetRow = value1
    Me.SheetCol = value2
    Me.VectorRow = Me.SheetRow
    Me.VectorCol = Me.SheetCol
End Sub

Public Sub Set_Red()

    Me.IsBold = True
    Me.ColorCode = Datasheets.Item(1).RedColorCode
    Me.ColorName = Datasheets.Item(1).RedColorName
End Sub

Public Sub Set_Blue()

    Me.IsBold = False
    Me.ColorCode = Datasheets.Item(1).BlueColorCode
    Me.ColorName = Datasheets.Item(1).BlueColorName
End Sub

Public Sub Set_Green()

    Me.IsBold = False
    Me.ColorCode = Datasheets.Item(1).GreenColorCode
    Me.ColorName = Datasheets.Item(1).GreenColorName
End Sub

Public Sub Set_Gray()

    Me.IsBold = False
    Me.ColorCode = Datasheets.Item(1).GrayColorCode
    Me.ColorName = Datasheets.Item(1).GrayColorName
End Sub

Public Sub Set_Gold()

    Me.IsBold = False
    Me.ColorCode = Datasheets.Item(1).GoldColorCode
    Me.ColorName = Datasheets.Item(1).GoldColorName
End Sub

Public Sub Set_No()

    Me.IsBold = False
    Me.ColorCode = Datasheets.Item(1).NoColorCode
    Me.ColorName = Datasheets.Item(1).NoColorName
End Sub

"Datasheet" class module


Option Explicit

Public WS As String
Public Home As String
Public RowMin As Double
Public ColMin As Double
Public RowMax As Double
Public ColMax As Double
Public ActiveRowMin As Double
Public ActiveColMin As Double
Public RedColorCode As Double
Public BlueColorCode As Double
Public GreenColorCode As Double
Public GrayColorCode As Double
Public GoldColorCode As Double
Public NoColorCode As Double
Public RedColorName As String
Public BlueColorName As String
Public GreenColorName As String
Public GrayColorName As String
Public GoldColorName As String
Public NoColorName As String
Public DefaultContent As String
Public MatchContent As String
Public PurposeOrigo As String
Public PurposeHeader As String
Public PurposeGeneral As String

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    Me.WS = "Blad3"
    Me.Home = "A1"
    Me.RowMin = 1
    Me.ColMin = 1
    Me.RowMax = 15
    Me.ColMax = 5
    Me.ActiveRowMin = 2
    Me.ActiveColMin = 2
    Me.RedColorCode = 238
    Me.BlueColorCode = 16741960
    Me.GreenColorCode = 1343536
    Me.GrayColorCode = 14408667
    Me.GoldColorCode = 962030
    Me.NoColorCode = 0
    Me.RedColorName = "Red"
    Me.BlueColorName = "Blue"
    Me.GreenColorName = "Green"
    Me.GrayColorName = "Gray"
    Me.GoldColorName = "Gold"
    Me.NoColorName = "No"
    Me.DefaultContent = "*"
    Me.MatchContent = "MATCH"
    Me.PurposeOrigo = "Origo"
    Me.PurposeHeader = "Header"
    Me.PurposeGeneral = "General"

End Sub

Public Sub Clear_GUI()

End Sub

Public Sub Create_Datacells()

    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim dc As Datacell
    For i = 1 To Me.RowMax
        For j = 1 To Me.ColMax
            Set dc = New Datacell
            Datacells.Add dc
            Call Datacells.Item(Datacells.Count).Set_Location(i, j)
        Next j
    Next i
    For i = 1 To Datacells.Count
        If Datacells.Item(i).SheetRow = 1 And Datacells.Item(i).SheetCol = 1 Then
            Datacells.Item(i).Purpose = Me.PurposeOrigo
            Datacells.Item(i).Content = ""

            Call Datacells.Item(i).Set_Gold
        ElseIf Datacells.Item(i).SheetRow = 1 And Datacells.Item(i).SheetCol >= Me.ActiveColMin Then
            Datacells.Item(i).Purpose = Me.PurposeHeader

            Call Datacells.Item(i).Set_Red
        ElseIf Datacells.Item(i).SheetCol = 1 And Datacells.Item(i).SheetRow >= Me.ActiveRowMin Then
            Datacells.Item(i).Purpose = Me.PurposeHeader

            Call Datacells.Item(i).Set_Red
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

Public Sub Upgrade_Datacells()

    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Datacells.Count
        Call Datacells.Item(i).Upgrade_Screen
    Next i
End Sub

Public Function Find_Cell_Index(ByVal value1 As Double, ByVal value2 As Double) As Double

    Dim i As Long
    If value1 >= Me.ActiveRowMin And value1 <= Me.RowMax And value2 >= Me.ActiveColMin And value2 <= Me.ColMax Then
         For i = 1 To Datacells.Count
            If Datacells.Item(i).SheetRow = value1 And Datacells.Item(i).SheetCol = value2 Then
                Find_Cell_Index = i
            End If
        Next i
        Find_Cell_Index = 0
    End If
End Function

Public Function Find_Lowest_Index_On_This_Row(ByVal value1 As Double) As Double

    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Datacells.Count
        If Datacells.Item(i).SheetRow = value1 And Datacells.Item(i).SheetCol = Me.ActiveColMin Then
            Find_Lowest_Index_On_This_Row = i
        End If
    Next i
End Function

Public Function Find_Highest_Index_On_This_Row(ByVal value1 As Double) As Double

    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Datacells.Count
        If Datacells.Item(i).SheetRow = value1 And Datacells.Item(i).SheetCol = Me.ColMax Then
            Find_Highest_Index_On_This_Row = i
        End If
    Next i
End Function

"Main" module


Option Explicit

Public Definitions As Collection
Public States As Dictionary
Public DataPoints As Collection

Public Sub Main()

    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Set Definitions = New Collection

    Dim d As Definition
    Set d = New Definition
    Definitions.Add d
    Call Create_States
    Set DataPoints = New Collection

    Dim dp As DataPoint
    For i = 1 To 10
        For j = 1 To 10
            Set dp = New DataPoint
            DataPoints.Add dp
            Call DataPoints.Item(DataPoints.Count).Set_DataPoint(DataPoints.Count, i, j, "*", Definitions.Item(1).GeneralOff)
        Next j
    Next i
    Call Display_DataPoints
End Sub

Public Sub Create_States()

    Set States = New Dictionary

    Dim s1 As State
    Set s1 = New State
    States.Add Definitions.Item(1).OrigoOn, s1
    Dim s2 As State
    Set s2 = New State
    States.Add Definitions.Item(1).OrigoOff, s2
    Dim s3 As State
    Set s3 = New State
    States.Add Definitions.Item(1).HorizontalHeaderOn, s3
    Dim s4 As State
    Set s4 = New State
    States.Add Definitions.Item(1).HorizontalHeaderOff, s4
    Dim s5 As State
    Set s5 = New State
    States.Add Definitions.Item(1).VerticalHeaderOn, s5
    Dim s6 As State
    Set s6 = New State
    States.Add Definitions.Item(1).VerticalHeaderOff, s6
    Dim s7 As State
    Set s7 = New State
    States.Add Definitions.Item(1).GeneralOn, s7
    Dim s8 As State
    Set s8 = New State
    States.Add Definitions.Item(1).GeneralOff, s8
End Sub

Public Sub Display_DataPoints()
    Dim i As Long

    For i = 1 To DataPoints.Count
        With Cells(DataPoints.Item(i).RowNumber, DataPoints.Item(i).ColumnNumber)
            .Value = DataPoints.Item(i).Content
            .Font.Color = States.Item(DataPoints.Item(i).PurposeState).ColorCode
            .Font.Bold = States.Item(DataPoints.Item(i).PurposeState).IsBold
        End With
    Next i

End Sub

"DataPoint" class module


Option Explicit

Public Index As Double
Public ColumnNumber As Long
Public RowNumber As Long
Public Content As String
Public PurposeState As String

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    Me.Index = 0
    Me.ColumnNumber = 0
    Me.RowNumber = 0
    Me.Content = Definitions.Item(1).Content
    Me.PurposeState = Definitions.Item(1).GeneralOff
End Sub

Public Sub Set_DataPoint(ByVal value1 As Double, ByVal value2 As Long, ByVal value3 As Long, ByVal value4 As String, ByVal value5 As String)

    Me.Index = value1
    Me.RowNumber = value2
    Me.ColumnNumber = value3
    Me.Content = value4
    Me.PurposeState = value5

End Sub

"Definition" class module


Option Explicit

Public RedCode As Double
Public BlueCode As Double
Public GreenCode As Double
Public GrayCode As Double
Public GoldCode As Double
Public BlackCode As Double
Public RedName As String
Public BlueName As String
Public GreenName As String
Public GrayName As String
Public GoldName As String
Public BlackName As String
Public Origo As String
Public HorizontalHeader As String
Public VerticalHeader As String
Public General As String
Public StateOn As String
Public StateOff As String
Public OrigoOn As String
Public OrigoOff As String
Public HorizontalHeaderOn As String
Public HorizontalHeaderOff As String
Public VerticalHeaderOn As String
Public VerticalHeaderOff As String
Public GeneralOn As String
Public GeneralOff As String
Public Content As String

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    Me.RedCode = 238
    Me.BlueCode = 16741960
    Me.GreenCode = 1343536
    Me.GrayCode = 14408667
    Me.GoldCode = 962030
    Me.BlackCode = 0
    Me.RedName = "Red"
    Me.BlueName = "Blue"
    Me.GreenName = "Green"
    Me.GrayName = "Gray"
    Me.GoldName = "Gold"
    Me.BlackName = "Black"
    Me.Origo = "Origo"
    Me.HorizontalHeader = "HorizontalHeader"
    Me.VerticalHeader = "VerticalHeader"
    Me.General = "General"
    Me.StateOn = "On"
    Me.StateOff = "Off"
    Me.OrigoOn = "OrigoOn"
    Me.OrigoOff = "OrigoOffName"

    Me.HorizontalHeaderOn = "HorizontalHeaderOn"
    Me.HorizontalHeaderOff = "HorizontalHeaderOff"
    Me.VerticalHeaderOn = "VerticalHeaderOn"
    Me.VerticalHeaderOff = "VerticalHeaderOff"
    Me.GeneralOn = "GeneralOn"
    Me.GeneralOff = "GeneralOff"
    Me.Content = "*"

End Sub

"State" class module


Option Explicit

Public IsBold As Boolean
Public ColorCode As Double
Public ColorName As String
Public Purpose As String
Public State As String
Public PurposeState As String
Public Content As String

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    Me.IsBold = False
    Me.ColorCode = Definitions.Item(1).GrayCode
    Me.ColorName = Definitions.Item(1).GrayName
    Me.Purpose = Definitions.Item(1).General
    Me.State = Definitions.Item(1).StateOff
    Me.PurposeState = Definitions.Item(1).GeneralOff
    Me.Content = Definitions.Item(1).Content
End Sub

Public Sub Set_OrigoOn()

    Me.IsBold = False
    Me.ColorCode = Definitions.Item(1).GoldCode
    Me.ColorName = Definitions.Item(1).GoldName
    Me.Purpose = Definitions.Item(1).Origo
    Me.State = Definitions.Item(1).StateOn
    Me.PurposeState = Definitions.Item(1).OrigoOn
End Sub

Public Sub Set_OrigoOff()

    Me.IsBold = False
    Me.ColorCode = Definitions.Item(1).GoldCode
    Me.ColorName = Definitions.Item(1).GoldName
    Me.Purpose = Definitions.Item(1).Origo
    Me.State = Definitions.Item(1).StateOff
    Me.PurposeState = Definitions.Item(1).OrigoOff
End Sub

Public Sub Set_HorizontalHeaderOn()

    Me.IsBold = False
    Me.ColorCode = Definitions.Item(1).GreenCode
    Me.ColorName = Definitions.Item(1).GreenName
    Me.Purpose = Definitions.Item(1).HorizontalHeader
    Me.State = Definitions.Item(1).StateOn
    Me.PurposeState = Definitions.Item(1).HorizontalHeaderOn
End Sub

Public Sub Set_HorizontalHeaderOff()

    Me.IsBold = True
    Me.ColorCode = Definitions.Item(1).RedCode
    Me.ColorName = Definitions.Item(1).RedName
    Me.Purpose = Definitions.Item(1).HorizontalHeader
    Me.State = Definitions.Item(1).StateOff
    Me.PurposeState = Definitions.Item(1).HorizontalHeaderOff
End Sub

Public Sub Set_VerticalHeaderOn()

    Me.IsBold = False
    Me.ColorCode = Definitions.Item(1).GreenCode
    Me.ColorName = Definitions.Item(1).GreenName
    Me.Purpose = Definitions.Item(1).VerticalHeader
    Me.State = Definitions.Item(1).StateOn
    Me.PurposeState = Definitions.Item(1).VerticalHeaderOn
End Sub

Public Sub Set_VerticalHeaderOff()

    Me.IsBold = True
    Me.ColorCode = Definitions.Item(1).RedCode
    Me.ColorName = Definitions.Item(1).RedName
    Me.Purpose = Definitions.Item(1).VerticalHeader
    Me.State = Definitions.Item(1).StateOff
    Me.PurposeState = Definitions.Item(1).VerticalHeaderOff
End Sub

Public Sub Set_GeneralOn()

    Me.IsBold = False
    Me.ColorCode = Definitions.Item(1).BlackCode
    Me.ColorName = Definitions.Item(1).BlackName
    Me.Purpose = Definitions.Item(1).General
    Me.State = Definitions.Item(1).StateOn
    Me.PurposeState = Definitions.Item(1).GeneralOn
End Sub

Public Sub Set_GeneralOff()

    Me.IsBold = False
    Me.ColorCode = Definitions.Item(1).GrayCode
    Me.ColorName = Definitions.Item(1).GrayName
    Me.Purpose = Definitions.Item(1).General
    Me.State = Definitions.Item(1).StateOff
    Me.PurposeState = Definitions.Item(1).GeneralOff
End Sub